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Daily Wellness Tips for Women

Daily Wellness Tips for Women

At one point or another, the daily grind can really get you down. Slogging through the same thing over and over is tough. With a few small changes to your day, you can embrace physical and mental wellness.

Move Your Body

Exercise is important. Creating opportunities to move your body every day not only helps you feel flexible and stronger but also improves your mental state. Some days, you may only be able to sneak in a trip up the stairs instead of using the elevator. Classes are another great choice, though. Spinning and aerobics classes really get you moving, while yoga focuses more on flexibility and peace of mind. 

Eat Better

Food is what fuels your day. Often in the course of the day, you're forced to make quick food choices, such as raiding a vending machine at work or heading for fast food in the evening. You don't have to completely skip these options, but try to make better food choices. Get a salad in that drive-through, or ask for your burger to be lettuce-wrapped to avoid all the carbohydrates in the bread that leave you feeling sluggish. Keep some healthy snacks, such as nuts or protein bars, in your purse or desk for emergency munchies.

Be in Business for Yourself

If your job is really stressing you out, maybe it's time to become your own boss. It shakes up your daily schedule and may provide a healthier work-life balance. You don't have to stress too much; setting your business up as an LLC limits your personal liability along with providing several tax advantages, more flexibility, and less paperwork. Different states have different requirements for setting up your LLC, but you can do it yourself or use a formation service inexpensively. You may find that having control over your daily life is definitely worthwhile.

Ditch Stress

Everyone has their own favorite way of relieving stress — crafting, cooking, reading, or taking a bubble bath are a few examples. For most women, the problem isn't knowing how to relieve stress as much as taking the time to do it. As you begin your wellness journey, schedule some time each day or a larger block of time each week when you focus on something you love. Protect this time the same way you would an important business meeting. In time, you'll know when you need that dopamine boost to chase away the stress, and it won't have to be so rigidly scheduled.

Sleep Well

If you don't sleep well at night, your next day begins at a deficit. Getting adequate sleep each night helps you function better and reduces stress. The average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep nightly. If you can't open your eyes without a cup of coffee each day, consider spending some more time on shut-eye, and see how you feel.

Find Wellness Together

Finding moments for wellness day to day is a difficult habit to start, no matter how small your first steps are. All these ideas are even better when done with a friend who's also trying to find a path to wellness in their lives. MLNNNYC, a company focused on empowering women since 2015, combats that loneliness by providing tips and social events specifically for women of color. Check out its events to learn more and participate.