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Finessing Your Post Graduation Job Hunt

Graduating a college or university is all well and dandy until its time to look for jobs in your designated field. With many millenials out of work from six to twelve months after commencement, and loans due, many are forced to reenter retail or temp jobs. 

Here are some successful tips for finessing post Graduation:

1) Rebrand yourself!

Whether with digital resumes and cover letters. Make sure each element of these documents fully support your personality. If your'e an artist or have artistic resume, whether relying on templates from websites, or creating your own. Step away from the traditional white page with black letters. 

2) Dress for your career

A suit and tie, or skirt-suit may not be best for every position. Add your own flare and style. Whether simple details, or bold statement pieces. Let your image reflect the qualities on your resume! 


Rejection is normal! You will be rejected. You may not receive employment at the companies you apply to. But you will be hired by the one you deserve. 

4) Be Patient

Your journey is yours alone. THERE IS NO RUSH IN BEING SUCCESSFUL! Trust your timing. 

5) Utilize your knowledge bank.

Use your recent knowledge and connection to build your brand and dreams. Side projects are helpful to keep you engaged in your field. Idle time is the perfect opportunity to keep your mind flourishing and executing ideas.