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Invest Smart, Invest In You!

Iyanla Vanzant is renownfor her ability to turn any situation around. The "Iyanla, Fix My Life" star and life coach helps heal the broken by holding a mirror to all behaviors and conditions that handicap relationships. 

This week I heard her voice clear as day,  "When you put other people ahead of you, you are putting other things ahead of god. You are putting them ahead of God in your life." You have to be as good to you as you are to God in order to be of service to others." If your cup isn't full you cannot be of service to anyone including yourself. When you invest in others before investing in yourself you are subconsciously saying that you believe they are more talented, more capable, more accomplishing than you. You will continuously attract users and energy leaches who will pray on your vulnerability and manipulate your "help." 

You cannot expect to continue to hold the door for people in your life and expect them to say "Thank You!"  By investing in yourself you are able to put yourself in a position to be of service to others.